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British public health agency clarifies people’s misunderstanding of electronic cigarettes

April 23,2018.

Tobacco Online compiled according to the Tobacco Industry News:  The Public Health of England (PHE) is trying to eliminate some of the incorrect understandings and misunderstandings of electronic cigarettes and steam cigarettes.


Martin Dockrell, PHE's director of tobacco control programs, pointed out on the Gov.uk blog site that electronic cigarettes have caused controversy among the public and the media.

"Our latest comprehensive independent e-cigarette review was written by top academics in the field of tobacco control, looking at the latest international data and peer-reviewed research," said Dockrell. "Although media reports surrounding the safety of e-cigarettes are sometimes confusing, People are confused, but these evidences are increasingly forming a consensus.Although there are certain risks, compared with smoking, electronic cigarettes are much less harmful. This view has been supported by many key institutions, including the British Cancer Institute, smoking. With the Health Action, the Royal College of Physicians, the British Medical Association, has also recently won the support of a major US scientific institution, the National Academy of Sciences, and engineering and medicine."

Then, Docker continued to review and uncover the five common truths of electronic cigarettes and steam cigarettes.

In short, he believes that electronic cigarettes and cigarettes are not the same and should not be treated equally. And, 7 million smokers in England have realized these differences.

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