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pure nicotine
Industry research | Pure nicotine is no more dangerous than caffeine August 14,2020.

What is the real health hazard of nicotine? The Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) hopes to clarify this issue. In a recent study, British organizations found that 90% of participants believed that smoking is harmful to health. But in fact, nicotine is no more dangerous than caffeine.

The main objective of the Royal Public Health Association (RSPH) is to provide the public with more comprehensive information about nicotine. Overall, the organization wants to prove that nicotine itself is not a harmful compound. In contrast, inhalation of the nicotine mixture in cigarettes and other carcinogens that mix nicotine, such as tar, can cause health problems.

In the United States, 500,000 people die each year from tobacco-related diseases. Nicotine in cigarettes is a very addictive thing. However, it can minimize the risk by using safer alternatives. Therefore, the British Royal Public Health Association (RSPH) believes that e-cigarettes are the best choice for smokers to quit smoking.

Change public perception of nicotine

For Shirley Cramer, the organization’s director general, the public must distinguish between the impact of cigarettes and nicotine on public health. Pure nicotine substitutes such as e-cigarettes do not present any health risks. In addition, people's dependence on nicotine is similar to their dependence on caffeine.

In addition, the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) also emphasized the medical benefits of nicotine. Research is currently underway to prove that it can be used to treat Parkinson's disease. It is also very helpful in treating Alzheimer's disease.

From a chemical point of view, nicotine and stimulants have the same effect. It can increase concentration and help people concentrate on work. Recent research further proves that nicotine can be used to treat Attention Deficit Disorders in young people.

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