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New products
Questions about nicotine addiction

September 23,2019.

The question of nicotine addiction is almost hopelessly confused, as most research on nicotine dependence is a long-term study of smokers. Scientists independently study how nicotine is addictive, without the need to inhale a lot of cigarettes, or a relatively recent thing.

Most of the research was after the introduction of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), such as nicotine patches and chewing gum, and later e-cigarettes. In fact, these studies led the FDA to conclude that over-the-counter nicotine products may not be addictive at all. One agency stated on its website: "Although any nicotine-containing products have potential addiction, decades of research and use have shown that over-the-counter (OTC) products sold by NRT products do not appear to be significantly abused or dependent. potential."

Other nicotine products are no more addictive than cigarettes.

Dr. Paul Newhouse, a nicotine researcher at Vanderbilt University, said: "People don't smoke without nicotine, but they don't take nicotine themselves." Nicotine is not strong enough. This is why the FDA agrees with nicotine!

The reason for selling on the counter. No one wants to accept it because it is not pleasing in itself. However, when nicotine is delivered in an ultra-fast way – smoking – the reward for the brain is almost instantaneous, and this effect is undeniable for those who are used to it. Tobacco smoke has other ingredients, such as MAOI, which increases the desire of smokers. Other nicotine products are no more addictive than cigarettes. So when you hear someone claiming that "nicotine is more addictive than heroin", (A) you can be sure they are wrong, (B) they are actually talking about smoking.
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